Why and how to awaken the artist in you?


Written by Sophie Parienti

As you may have noticed from my publications’ illustrations, I draw and paint. This activity, which accompanies my coaching work, helps me ground myself and brings me tremendous joy.

So I told myself that if it benefits me, why not encourage you to make (more) room for creativity in your life? It indeed meets my intention to pass on tips and tools that work for me to my coaching clients.

And if you think that you are not creative, and this is not for you, you are mistaking your potential!

Because creativity essentially requires you to have a right and a left brain and make them work together.

So, no more excuses?

If you sometimes feel that you are going in circles, can’t find solutions to your problems, have trouble finding the meaning of your life, or are not evolving or contributing to the world, go and meet your creativity!

It will bring more comfort to your life than you can imagine, and it might even take you where you don’t expect.

So I’m putting my two cerebral hemispheres to work here to concoct some advice for you:

  • Dare to think outside the box and be different from your norm. Practice this by slipping a little fantasy into your daily life. For example, eating breakfast at lunchtime, rollerblading to work, wearing something you have never worn before, etc.
  • Decide several days a week to devote 20 minutes of your time to creative activity, and stick to it! If this is difficult during the week, set aside an hour or two on the weekend but keep a regular schedule that includes creative time. Draw, paint, sculpt, garden, etc.
  • Listen to music. Connecting to music unleashes creative self. Make a playlist that inspires you.
  • Keep a creative journal daily and record your thoughts and ideas by writing them down, drawing them, making collages, etc. Be inventive in filling it out.
  • Take an interest in everything. Be your curious self! Read, walk, go to exhibits, visit museums, and develop your curiosity in all areas. 
  • Take care of yourself, your sleep, body, mind, and nutrition. Above all, when you feel healthy, you have more mental space to be creative.
  • Before you start creating, meditate for 10 minutes. That will help your creativity because it flows when the mind is calm.
  • Make a date! Ask a friend or partner to join you in being creative together. Choose a common interest and make it a regular weekly deal.
  • Lastly, don’t judge yourself when nothing comes up. Letting your creativity flow requires practice, perseverance, and letting go of the expectations to do well.

Lastly, don’t judge yourself when nothing comes up. Letting your creativity flow requires practice, perseverance, and letting go of the expectations to do well.

Creativity should not be perceived only from the lens of a profession, and it is accessible to all of us who wish to meet ourselves and live our lives in harmony.

And if you are ready to dive fully into your creative self, I suggest you read the international bestseller, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.

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