man explaining to woman in a therapy session

The Art of deepening connections.


Written by Sophie Parienti

Our instinct to connect is part of the human condition. It is that one that has enabled us to survive and evolve right up to the present day.

Here, I’d like to emphasize the importance of the interpersonal bonds. Whether in love, friendship, family relationships, or work, they are fundamental to our self-fulfillment.


Because connection fosters a sense of belonging and security, essential to our emotional, mental, and physical balance.

This reassuring, comfortable feeling of belonging creates a safe space to share our joys; but also sorrows, and worries, thereby reducing our stress, anxiety, frustrations, etc. The closer our ties with others, the easier it is to face life’s challenges with serenity.

Being connected to others also has the positive effect of boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. Indeed, feeling loved and accepted for who you are by others contributes to a better self-image, provided that this connection is healthy and constructive, of course.

If professional relationships can open doors and enable us to achieve our goals, personal relationships are not to be outdone. They offer the possibility of advancing on our paths of awareness and experiencing (extra)ordinary relationships.

Putting all this together, we understand why taking care of the ties that bind us to others is essential.

But how do we go about it? How do we nurture and cultivate beautiful relationships?

1. First, dare!

And yes, I know it’s not that easy, and for some people, it means overcoming their fears, turning their backs on their beliefs, in short, stepping out of their comfort zone. But creating a bond sometimes requires taking risks and opening your door to the other person or going towards them. So, if this seems complicated, consider all the benefits you’ll derive from the bonds you create by daring and dare! If you want to get to know your colleague better, ask them out for a drink. If you like to get closer to your parents, spend more time with them and learn to listen to them. If you want more intimacy, be curious about your partner.

2. Be authentic.

It is the primary key to creating deep, solid, and meaningful bonds and to embarking on the path of awareness and fulfillment. So, be yourself authentically. Connect to yourself fully, and show who you are. Don’t hide your weaknesses or doubts. Accept your vulnerability. When being unauthentic will reveal yourself at some point unknowingly and leave the other person feeling misunderstood, disappointed, and perhaps even betrayed. By being yourself, you’ll be sure to be loved for who you are and free yourself from the stress of trying to be something you’re not. You’ll also develop a more intimate bond with those closest to you!

3. Actively listen to others.

That involves being attentive to others to the point of slipping into their reality to understand them more deeply and strengthen the intimacy of the bond. To achieve this state of active listening, call on your empathetic spirit; if you doubt you’re empathetic, know you’re wrong. Like each of us, you came into this world animated with this spirit. Only life’s events, upbringing, beliefs, and fears have kept you from it. So, search for it, let yourself be inhabited by it, and, from this new-found state of empathy, ask questions to which you sincerely hope to find answers.

4. Be altruistic.

Yes, it’s necessary. Maintaining the bond and nurturing the relationship is only possible if you show generosity. Mind you; it’s not a question of thinking only of the other person and forgetting yourself! There’s no question of sacrifice here, but instead of sharing, circulating positive energy that will enable you to attract what resonates with you into your life. So be present, sincerely present, for others. Give them your time and energy to the extent of what you expect of them. But be genuinely altruistic!

5. Make sure you share experiences.

It will help you build memories that strengthen your bonds with your loved ones. To do this, list your common interests and decide which ones and when to devote time to them. Sign up for an activity, share your reading, go on a weekend adventure, regularly organize a dinner party, etc. Anything goes to strengthen your bond and create intimacy.

6. Maintain your relationships.

A phone call now and then, a message, a visit – as long as your approach is sincere and from the heart, don’t hesitate! It won’t do any harm, and it will strengthen bonds. So don’t be afraid to leave a few traces of your attention here and there.

7. Be curious.

You open the door to deeper, meaningful bonds by showing genuine curiosity about the other person. Curiosity isn’t wrong as long as it’s sincere and honest. When it’s heartfelt and well-intentioned, it’s a caring attitude that strengthens bonds and can lead to friendships or other intimate relationships that are enriching and lasting. So ask questions. Take an interest in the other person. Your relationships will be all the richer for it.

8. Cultivate your joy.

Indulge yourself, sing, dance, practice sports, do art, go to the movies, see a show, and have dinner with friends – in short, anything that brings you joy should be consumed without moderation. Why? Because when you’re happy, you want to share, and you’re so radiant that you attract the people you love. So don’t hold back; live life to the full!


All these tips are, with a simple will and a genuine intention to connect, easily applicable. So don’t just read them. If you want to create more intimacy in your relationship with your partner, deepen your bonds, and maintain them at their highest potential, follow them! You’ll soon realize the positive impact they can have on your life and the lives of those around you.

By applying these tips with determination and persistence, you’ll breathe new life into your relationships, propelling them into a virtuous spiral of intimacy, understanding, and caring.

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