I deserve to be loved! But does it work like that?
Written by Sophie Parienti
I want to address one limiting belief among many: It is the myth that we must earn love.
You may be thinking this, consciously or not:
He could be more loving towards me with all I do for him.
- I’ve suffered enough; I now deserve a beautiful love story.
- I am so invested in my relationship and deserve better than this.
- I don’t deserve to be loved.
- She doesn’t deserve my love.
Love is a state of being and not a matter of merit, and it is not obtained through excellent and loyal service, nor does it involve effort.
When consciously or unconsciously, we are inhibited by such a limiting belief, we tend to attract situations into our lives that prove us right. Our relationship is then conflicted and insecure, and we experience love at the cost of effort, even sacrifice.
Because in life, we live the life we think is real, nothing more and nothing less!
Imagine then that love is simply an experience accessible without any condition. Replace the notion of merit with the idea of unconditional legitimacy of lawfulness.
Consider that love depends on your willingness, choice, and determination to live it effortlessly.
How does it feel to you?
Evaluate the health of your relationship by reading the article below, and reconnect with what healthy love is—a love that doesn’t relate to merit but to the space that allows the fulfillment of each partner.
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