Coaching 1.1

Unlock your true potential and take the first step towards personal growth with Sophie Parienti’s expert coaching. Experience a transformational assessment session and let Sophie craft a personalized program, tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Benefit from one-on-one sessions, coupled with joint sessions (if desired), and receive the support and guidance you need to thrive.

Invest in yourself and see the results you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t wait, book your assessment session today and start your journey towards a brighter future.


I’m Sophie

Ready to Take Your Relationship from Ordinary to Extraordinary ?

My approach is to guide you to understand how relationships work (it’s more science than a secret!)

In my coaching and courses, I focus on positive communication and empathy instead of conflicts. 

If you are determined to transform yourself & and experience (extra)ordinary relationships, I cannot wait to share the tools and resources I have learned over the past 30 years with you!

No matter how you ended up here (your intention to change must have been clear) I’ve got your back now, so let’s get started!

“Meeting Sophie has been a life-changing experience that I can only describe as magical. Inspired by Nirmal Purja’s film 14 Peaks, in which he showcases the power of human potential with the help of his guides, I recognized my need for a guide to conquering not mountains but myself.

Despite numerous attempts and meeting many false teachers, it was not until I met Sophie that I truly began to understand and heal. With her profound insight and unlabeled presence, Sophie became the guide I desperately needed. She has a unique ability to lead me toward unavoidable truths and help me face my shadows and ego without fear.

Each session with her has been transformative, replacing my addiction to pain with the pain of growth—a challenging yet rewarding journey. Thanks to Sophie, I have preserved my marriage, reinvigorated my business, restored my family relationships, and cherished my time with my daughter like never before.

I am forever grateful to Sophie for showing me how to save myself and truly feel the breadth of life’s potential. Her impact on my life has been nothing short of miraculous.

— Matt Ross, UK

How It Works


Imagine that your relationship is a path to travel, leading from point A to point B then C, and so forth.

Sometimes on flawless routes and sometimes encountering some minor to major obstacles along the way.

If you are able to activate your relationship’GPS, you won’t get too lost on the way.



How would you feel if you were fully guided to find clarity and solutions to your relationship challenges? Empowered, most likely. 

Shifting your relationship to what you deserve, start with you! Don’t wait for your partner to be ready.


What is your relationship worth?
If you are clear you want a fundamental shift of your current situation, then let me make a difference in your life! 

Schedule a 15-minute complementary assessment session with me, and let’s define what is happening in your relationship and how we can work together.  Contact


Strengthening intimacy by integrating tantric philosophy: 7 essential tips.

Physical and emotional intimacy are nourished in many ways. If you need to regain it or want to go there, here are a few tips from tantric philosophy.

Unveiling emotional codependency: insights, recognition, and liberation.

Emotional codependency, often confused with dependency, needs to be taken seriously—an article on how to identify and treat it.

Mastering the art of mindful thinking: your thoughts are not facts.

Our stories don’t perfectly reflect reality. Really, why not? Why and how do we navigate the complex landscape of our digressions and bring order to them?

Nurturing your physical self for an empowered you!

Taking care of your body is essential. It allows you to calm your mind, meet your challenges, and move more surely towards realizing your dreams. Here are a few tips.

Discovering the transformative magic of self-reflection in relationships.

Transforming your personal experience of life and love begins with a simple yet profound act: looking inward—advice to rewrite the narrative of your relationship.

Breaking free from the ego’s chains of comparison to embrace your unique Self.

What if the one responsible for our beauty and how we’re perceived is ourselves? You may not know it yet, but you’re exceptionally beautiful!

Can this relationship be helped? Understanding and navigating relationship challenges.

Can your relationship be improved or saved? Here are the criteria that will help you answer this question and some tips on going about it.

Navigating the crossroads: when it’s time to consider separation.

Saving your relationship may not be an end in itself. But some signs may signal the end of a shared adventure. Here’s an article to help you think about the legitimacy of your relationship.

Understanding and overcoming low self-esteem: Building a positive self-image.

Lack of self-esteem (not to be confused with lack of self-confidence) can sometimes hide behind deceptive facades. Here are the symptoms of low self-esteem and tips for overcoming it.

Boosting your self-confidence to unlock your true potential.

Self-confidence is the key to personal fulfillment. Here are seven points to help you consider yourself reliable enough, maintain self-confidence, and realize your full potential.

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