Self-development | Sophie Parienti Live Your Relationship to its Infinite Potential Tue, 11 Mar 2025 08:58:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Self-development | Sophie Parienti 32 32 209882468 Infidelity Shock: Staying Grounded in the First Moments. Thu, 27 Feb 2025 08:08:12 +0000
couple going though the hardship of infidelity

Infidelity Shock: Staying Grounded in the First Moments.

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You’ve just discovered a betrayal, and it feels like your whole world has shattered. I know. It’s as if the ground beneath you has crumbled, leaving you free-falling into a void of pain, confusion, and disbelief.

Your heart races, your mind spins, and everything you thought was solid now feels like an illusion. You might be questioning everything—your past, your future, your worth.

Take a breath. I mean it—right now, take a deep breath.

I know you don’t want to hear that this pain will pass. Right now, it feels unbearable. And that’s okay. You are not supposed to know what to do in this moment. There is no right way to feel. But please, for now, let’s just slow down together. You do not have to figure everything out today.

A Different Perspective on Infidelity

I want to take a moment to address something important. I am not a big fan of the words cheating or betrayal. They feel limited, linear, and binary—as if there must always be a clear victim and a clear villain. But human relationships are far more complex than that. Infidelity is rarely black and white. Both partners, in different ways, have been suffering. Both are facing a deep and painful life challenge.

Society often reduces infidelity to a simple moral failing, but it is far more intricate. It is about unmet needs, unresolved wounds, silent disconnections, and unspoken pain. It does not excuse what happened, but it does mean there is more to understand. And that understanding can offer a path forward—whether together or apart.

What Not to Do Right Now

  1. Be careful who you confide in.
    • Your instinct might be to tell someone—anyone—who will listen. But not everyone is equipped to hold your pain the way you need. Some will add fuel to your fire; others will give you advice from their own wounds. Right now, you need clarity, not more confusion.
  2. Hold off on making drastic decisions.
    • You may want to run, lash out, and say things you can’t take back. I understand. But right now, your emotions are overwhelming, and choosing from a place of devastation often leads to regret. There will be time to decide what comes next, I promise.
  3. Protect your children from your pain.
    • If you have children, they need you to be their safe place. They don’t need the details of what happened—they need the security of knowing that they are loved and that the adults in their world will handle this.
  4. Don’t let anger or guilt define this moment.
    • Whether you are the one who has been betrayed or the one who has broken trust, this is not the entirety of your story. You are more than your pain, more than your mistakes.

What You Can Do Right Now


  1. Find a moment of stillness.
    • I know this sounds impossible, but even a few seconds of deep breathing can stop the spiral. Place your hand over your heart. Feel its beat. You are here. You are surviving this moment. That is enough for now.
  2. Allow yourself to grieve.
    • This is grief—the loss of trust, the loss of what you believed your relationship was. And grief has no set timeline. Let yourself cry. Let yourself feel the rage, the sadness, the confusion. You are allowed to mourn.
  3. Know that this is not the full story.
    • Right now, you see the explosion, the destruction. But infidelity is never just about a single moment—it is about everything that was happening before it. It is about wounds neither of you may have even realized existed. There is an entire world beneath this pain, and in time, clarity will come.


To the Partner Who Feels Hurt and Lost: I See You.

I see the way your heart aches, the way you wonder if you weren’t enough if you missed the signs if everything was a lie. It wasn’t. You gave your love, trust, and your most vulnerable self, which is not something to be ashamed of. Your love was real, and it mattered.

Right now, you may feel like your identity has been shattered—like you don’t know who you are outside of this pain. But you are still here. You are still whole, even if you don’t feel like it yet. Your worth has never been measured by another’s choices. You deserve love, respect, and truth.

You do not need to rush to forgiveness or a decision. You only need to give yourself time to breathe, grieve, and process. And know that healing—whatever that may look like for you—is possible.


To the Partner Who Made a Painful Choice: I See You, Too.


You are drowning in guilt, in the fear of losing everything, in the shame of what you have done. You may feel unworthy of love, of forgiveness, of even speaking. You may feel like a monster. But listen to me—you are not. You are human. You are flawed, as we all are. And if you are willing to face yourself with honesty, there is a way forward.

It’s not just about regret here. Regret is easy. Genuine remorse takes courage—the courage to ask yourself why this happened, sit in discomfort rather than run, and take responsibility without drowning in shame.

If you want to heal, you cannot just say, I’m sorry. You must do the work. Not just for your partner, but for yourself—to understand what led you here, to become someone you can be proud of, to create something new from the wreckage.


Your Next Steps


Let’s face it, this is not an easy journey to take alone. Finding the proper guidance can help you move through this with clarity rather than years of unanswered questions and unprocessed pain. With the right understanding, this experience—however painful—can become the foundation for something new, whether that’s a stronger relationship or a healthier future for yourself.

One day, this unbearable weight will begin to lighten. One day, you will wake up, and the pain won’t be the first thing you feel. One day, you will look back at this moment not as your life ended but as the moment you stepped into something new.

For now, breathe. That is all you need to do. And that is plenty.

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

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Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity: The Path to Healing and Transformation Thu, 27 Feb 2025 06:41:22 +0000
couple laughing rebuilding trust and affection after infidelity

Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity: The Path to Healing and Transformation

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Infidelity is not just an event—it’s an earthquake. It cracks the foundation of trust, shakes everything you believe about your relationship, and leaves you standing amidst the debris of what once felt safe. The pain is deep, raw, and often unbearable. The questions are endless.

“How could this happen?”
“Can I ever trust again?”
“Do I stay, or do I go?”
“Who am I, now that everything has changed?”


If you’re here, you’re likely navigating one of the hardest emotional battles of your life. And while it may feel like no one understands, let me assure you—you are not alone.


Why This Pain Feels Unbearable

Betrayal wounds differently than other types of loss. When trust is broken by the one person who was supposed to be your safe space, the mind and body react as if you’ve been physically harmed.

The shock triggers survival instincts: fight, flight, freeze. One moment, you may feel numb, detached from reality. The next, you may feel consumed by rage, sadness, or an overwhelming need to make sense of it all.

What makes infidelity uniquely painful is not just the act itself but what it represents—the shattering of the story you believed in. The person who once felt like home suddenly feels like a stranger. The relationship you invested in feels like an illusion. And your sense of security? Gone.

So if you’re struggling, questioning everything, unable to focus, unable to sleep—this is not a sign of weakness. It’s a natural response to deep emotional trauma.

And yet, amid the pain, there is something powerful at play.

Time Doesn’t Heal Infidelity—What You Do With Time Does

There’s a common belief that if you just wait, if you just endure, if you just “get over it, things will get better. But here’s the truth: time alone doesn’t heal betrayal.

What you do with that time determines everything.

Some people spend years in bitterness, carrying the wound long after the relationship ends. Others rebuild stronger than before, not because they forget but because they use this experience to create something new—whether a healed relationship or a deeper one with themselves.

The difference? The path they choose to walk.

Healing from infidelity is not about “getting back to normal. That version of normal no longer exists. It’s about creating something different, something healthier, something real. And that requires more than time—it requires conscious, guided action.

The Illusion of Quick Fixes and Why They Fail

When faced with infidelity, many people search for immediate relief. Some demand all the details, thinking that knowing everything will ease the pain. Others go silent, shutting down in an effort to protect themselves. Some rush into therapy, expecting a few sessions to undo the damage.

And then there are those who make ultimatums: “Tell me everything, and maybe I’ll stay.“Prove your love, and I’ll forgive you.“If I just forgive quickly, we can move on.”

None of these approaches work in the long run.

Why? Because true healing isn’t about quick fixes—it’s about transformation. It’s about understanding why this happened, what needs to change, and how to rebuild trust in a way that isn’t just about words but about actions, consistency, and emotional safety.

The Path to Rebuilding (Or Letting Go With Clarity)

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this, it’s this: infidelity is not just about what happened—it’s about what happens next.

This isn’t just about staying or leaving. It’s about healing the wounds that led to this—both in the relationship and within yourself. It’s about regaining trust, not just in your partner (if you choose to stay) but also in your own intuition, boundaries, and worth.

Step 1: Stabilizing the Emotional Storm

Before you make any big decisions, there must be emotional stability. It doesn’t mean suppressing emotions—it means creating enough space to process them without making choices from a place of pain.

  • Allow yourself to feel everything, but don’t let emotions dictate irreversible decisions.
  • Take space if needed. Time apart can offer clarity that immediate reactions cannot.
  • Establish boundaries for communication—when, how, and what is discussed.

Step 2: Understanding the ‘Why (Beyond Just the Act Itself)

One of the hardest truths about infidelity is that it rarely happens in isolation. It is often a symptom of deeper issues—personal, relational, or both. Understanding the why is not about excusing the betrayal; it’s about ensuring it never happens again.

This is where deep work begins:

  • What emotional needs were unmet in the relationship?
  • What personal struggles contributed to this choice (on either side)?
  • How did past wounds, childhood patterns, or unconscious beliefs shape this relationship dynamic?

Without addressing these questions, trust cannot truly be rebuilt—it can only be patched together temporarily.

Step 3: Rebuilding Trust Through Actions, Not Promises

If trust is to be restored, it must be through visible, consistent actions. Words will never be enough.

  • TransparencyThis doesn’t mean oversharing every detail, but it does mean no more deception. Full honesty, even when uncomfortable.
  • Emotional safetyBoth partners must feel safe to express their emotions without fear of judgment, punishment, or manipulation.
  • Commitment to change – Whether it’s therapy, coaching, or structured relationship work, healing requires intentional effort, not just a desire to move on.

Step 4: Redefining the Relationship (Or Parting With Clarity)

Every relationship has a choice after infidelity: rebuild into something new or let go with wisdom.

If you choose to stay, this relationship cannot simply be the “old relationship with an apology. It must evolve, with new agreements, new levels of honesty, and a different way of showing up for each other.

If you choose to leave, this is an opportunity for deep personal healing—so that this wound does not define your future relationships or your self-worth.

Your Pain Is Not the End of Your Story

Right now, it may feel like this betrayal has shattered you. But what if—just maybe—this is not the end of your story, but the beginning of something profoundly transformative?

What if this experience is not meant to break you, but to wake you up to something deeper?

A different way of loving. A different way of showing up. A different way of trusting—not just in another person, but in yourself.

The path is here. The next step is yours to take.

Are you ready?

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

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Getting Addicted to Joy: Reclaiming Our Birthright in Relationships Thu, 27 Feb 2025 05:39:41 +0000
man looking at city from rooftop

Getting Addicted to Joy: Reclaiming Our Birthright in Relationships

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Joy is our purest nature. It is not something to be earned or justified—it simply exists, like the sun continuing to shine behind the clouds. Yet, many of us have been conditioned to suppress joy rather than embrace it.

Growing up in cultures where intellectualism is equated with wisdom and unprovoked happiness is often met with suspicion, we may have absorbed messages that joy is frivolous or even naive.


In France, expressions like “Don’t smile stupidly” or “What’s wrong with you?” when one smiles without reason reflect a profoundly ingrained scepticism toward unfiltered happiness.

The result? We learn to withhold joy, display it selectively, and often forget to cultivate it in the spaces that matter most—our relationships.


The Journey Back to Joy

Joy is not a luxury; it is a necessity. It acts as a lifeline in times of hardship and a bridge in moments of disconnection. Yet, many of us have experienced life events such as a breakup, a job loss, or a health scare that made us detach from our joy. Reaccessing this birthright is not a passive process but an intentional journey. Like any addiction, but in the healthiest sense, we must cultivate a craving for joy, a longing to experience it more thoroughly and more frequently.

The paradox is that when we focus on our joy, we don’t just enrich ourselves—we enrich our relationships. A joyful heart is more open, more generous, and more attuned to the beauty in others. When we feel good, we notice the goodness in our partner; we become more willing to create moments of connection rather than waiting for them to happen.

Why We Show Our Best Joy Outside the Home

Ironically, we often reserve our most joyful, playful selves for the world outside our home. With friends, colleagues, and even strangers, we put effort into being engaging and pleasant. But joy often takes a backseat at home—with the person we have chosen to share our life with. Why? because we take each other for granted. We unconsciously believe that our partner will always be there, so we no longer see the need to be our most radiant, joyful selves.

Imagine if we actively cultivated joy within our relationships instead of reserving it for the outside world? What if we greeted our partner with the same enthusiasm we show a long-lost friend? What if we infused our daily interactions with more lightness, laughter, and playfulness? The impact would be profound.

The Role of Gratitude in Reawakening Joy: The Power is in your hands

Gratitude is the gateway to joy. It is nearly impossible to feel truly grateful and not feel a spark of pleasure arise within. When we shift our focus from what is lacking to what is present, from what irritates us to what delights us, joy becomes more accessible.

A simple practice: Each day, take a moment to reflect on something your partner did that you appreciate. It can be as small as making your coffee or as deep as how they held space for you in a difficult moment. We naturally create more of it when we train ourselves to notice the good.

Bringing More Joy into Your Relationship

  1. Prioritize playfulness—Laugh together, be silly, break routines, and surprise each other. Joy thrives in spontaneity.
  2. Express appreciation often – Tell your partner what you love about them. Remind them (and yourself) why you chose them.
  3. Create joyful rituals – These intentional practices bring joy into your relationship. For instance, you can have a ‘joy check-in’ where you ask each other, What brought you joy today?’ or start mornings with a playful dance in the kitchen. My husband and I have had this ritual ingrained as a lifestyle for years, and it works like magic in shifting the most sluggish mood.
  4. Heal the blocks to joy: If you find it hard to feel joy, ask yourself why. What beliefs, wounds, or fears might be keeping you from it?
  5. Stop waiting for special occasions – Joy is not meant to be saved for vacations or milestones. Infuse your daily life with it now.

The Ripple Effect of Joy

When we reclaim our joy, we don’t just heal ourselves—we uplift those around us. Relationships flourish when joy is present. It strengthens bonds, eases tensions, and deepens intimacy. Joy is not a distraction from the depth of life—it is an essential part of it.

So, let us become addicts—not to substances, distractions, or fleeting pleasures—but to joy. Let us reclaim what was always ours and, in doing so, transform not just ourselves but the relationships that define our lives. This transformation is not just a possibility, but a promise, waiting to be fulfilled.


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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

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Mastering the art of mindful thinking: your thoughts are not facts. Wed, 20 Dec 2023 05:09:05 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Mastering the art of mindful thinking: your thoughts are not facts.

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Isn’t it fascinating to see what an incredible storyteller our mind is and to observe its extraordinary ability to weave tales that are sometimes far from reality?

But let me tell you this: just because a thought pops into your head doesn’t mean it’s an absolute fact. Most of the time, it needs to be more accurate. Your mind can be a creative genius or even a clever trickster. In fact, the stories it tells often don’t match reality and deserve a few adjustments.

So, how do we navigate this intricate landscape of thoughts at the origins of our digressions and bring order to them?

It’s a question many of us grapple with, and the answer lies in understanding the why and how of this mental journey.

The why: understanding the purpose of thoughts.

First, let’s delve into the why. Why does our mind produce thoughts – sometimes cheerful and uplifting or negative and discouraging – that take us away from the facts? To understand this, you need to know that our thoughts are not merely random occurrences and that they pursue precise objectives:

Survival Instinct.

Our brain is wired to keep us safe. It alerts us to potential dangers, producing cautious thoughts that enable us to assess the risks. While this survival instinct is vital, it can sometimes create unnecessary anxiety when applied to everyday situations.

Processing Information.

Thoughts help us process the vast amount of information continuously gathered by all our alert senses. They enable us to make sense of our experiences, form memories, and solve problems.

Emotional Expression.

Thoughts are a channel for our emotions. They shape and form our feelings, helping us understand and communicate what we’re going through. This emotional expression is a crucial aspect of our human experience.


Our thoughts play a pivotal role in shaping our self-identity. The stories we tell ourselves about who we are, our capabilities and our limitations can significantly impact our self-esteem and overall well-being.

Our thoughts in pursuit of these objectives are controlled by our ego, which is responsible for maintaining our constructed identity. (To be developed to answer the initial question, Why does our mind produce thoughts that take us away from the facts? 

The how: navigating the landscape.

Now that we’ve explored the why let’s focus on the how—how to navigate this intricate landscape of our thoughts and make our speech more in line with what is :

Question and challenge.

When a thought arises, particularly one that feels heavy or unsettling, take a moment to pause and question its validity. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” Challenge these thoughts as if you’re a detective seeking the truth. You’ll often discover these thoughts are based on assumptions or past experiences that may no longer be relevant.

Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that allows you to observe your thoughts without judgment. It’s like stepping back and watching a parade pass by without getting caught up in the floats. When you engage in mindfulness, you create a space between yourself and your thoughts. This space offers clarity and perspective, enabling you to respond to your thoughts consciously.

Grow positive thoughts.

Imagine your mind as a garden that needs tending. So, just as the gardener removes invasive weeds and tends the flowers, cultivate your useful, rewarding, and stimulating thoughts and eliminate those that aren’t and hinder your growth. To do this, get into the habit of incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine. These are short, uplifting statements that counteract negative or self-limiting thoughts. By repeating positive affirmations, you can rewire your thought patterns over time.


Keeping a journal can be a therapeutic way to explore and understand your thoughts. Write down your thoughts as they arise, and then analyze them objectively. Are they serving you? How do you feel when you have that thought? Journaling provides an opportunity for self-reflection and insight. 

Be kind to yourself.

Lastly, approach your thoughts with kindness and compassion. It’s essential to remember that it’s perfectly normal to have negative thoughts occasionally. What truly matters is how you choose to handle them. Instead of criticizing yourself for having such thoughts, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer to a dear friend going through a tough time. Remember, you are only human, and your thoughts don’t define your worth.


Understanding why all these thoughts are productive and implementing the tips above will help you stay calm and learn from the ramblings in your narrative for which they are responsible.

Remember that your thoughts are not set in stone, and you have the power to shape them, ultimately leading to a healthier and more positive mental landscape.

Don’t hesitate to ask a trusted friend, family member, or therapist for support when you feel overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts. Sharing them with someone you trust can give you a fresh perspective and emotional relief.

And be aware that you are not your thoughts but this magnificent and perfectly complex Being who has the power to live in harmony with what is and to learn from the experiences of reality to grow.

I wish you a transformative journey on the path of conscious thought and self-love! 

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

Nurturing your physical self for an empowered you! Wed, 20 Dec 2023 03:33:36 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Nurturing your physical self for an empowered you!

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The Mindless Journey.

In the labyrinth of existence, it’s easy to forget that we are more than just wandering minds. Our bodies, often overlooked, serve as the vessels for our life’s voyage. We strive for mental enlightenment, chasing dreams and accolades, yet omit the temple that shelters us along the way. While some are born athletes or are raised in households where a healthy lifestyle is prioritized, others focus on academic achievements, neglecting the body in the relentless pursuit of intellectual greatness. But the truth is, our physical and mental selves are intricately entwined, each dependent on the other for nourishment and growth.

The mind’s forgotten ally.

Late nights of studying or endless hours behind a desk may seem like the price we pay for success, but they often come at the cost of our physical well-being. It’s vital to remember that the mind lives in a body, and this body needs to stay healthy to reciprocate with healthy thoughts and moral fortitude. A tired, neglected vessel is ill-equipped to carry the weight of ambition and aspiration. Ignoring the body not only leads to physical ailments but can also manifest as mental fatigue, stress, and diminished self-esteem.

The body-mind connection.

Our body plays a pivotal role in how we are perceived from the outside and how we perceive ourselves. Imagine someone walking into a room with slumped shoulders and a hunched back, indicating exhaustion and lack of energy. Now compare this situation with someone who walks into the same room with shoulders straightened, back straight but supple, and a confident stride, a sign of confidence and vitality. As you can see, the difference is physical and involves a profound change in self-perception and confidence.

The power of self-care in relationships.

While the importance of self-care for personal well-being is evident, it becomes even more crucial within the context of relationships. Whether you’re single, in a committed partnership, or navigating the labyrinth of dating, your physical health profoundly impacts your ability to foster and sustain meaningful connections.

In a relationship, self-care isn’t a selfish act but a gift to yourself and your partner. A healthy body fuels a positive self-image, and when you feel good about yourself, you bring a vibrant energy to your relationship. Imagine the difference between entering a relationship with low self-esteem, perpetually exhausted, and riddled with health issues versus showing up as a confident, energized, and healthy individual.

Taking care of your body is a demonstration of love and respect not only for yourself but for your partner as well. It communicates that you value your relationship enough to invest in your well-being, which, in turn, enriches the collective experience. Healthy bodies make for happier individuals, and happier individuals create stronger, more harmonious relationships.

When both partners prioritize self-care, it fosters a culture of well-being within the relationship. It encourages open communication about health goals, exercise routines, and dietary choices. This shared commitment to physical health strengthens the bond between partners as they inspire each other to make healthier choices, embark on fitness journeys together, and provide unwavering support.

Empowering the body, empowering the self.

So, how do you align your body and mind on a high vibration to strengthen your self-esteem? Below are some tips to help you nourish your physical self and, in turn, empower your entire being:

1. Prioritize Sleep: Rest is the cornerstone of physical and mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to recharge your body and mind.

2. Stay Active: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine. It doesn’t have to be grueling; even a brisk walk, yoga, or dancing can invigorate your body and boost your mood.

3. Eat Mindfully: Fuel your body with balanced, nourishing meals. Opt for whole foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and hydrate adequately.

4. Manage Stress: Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness to keep your mind calm and your body relaxed.

5. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world, and rejuvenate your spirit.

6. Regular Check-Ups: Don’t neglect medical check-ups and screenings. Prevention is often more effective than treatment, even if you are not big on allopathic medicine.

7. Self-Care Rituals: Incorporate self-care rituals into your daily life, whether it’s a warm bath, a good book, or moments of quiet reflection.

8. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no when needed and prioritize your well-being. Boundaries protect your energy and prevent burnout.

9. Stay Hydrated: Water is essential for bodily functions and mental clarity. Make it a habit to drink enough water throughout the day.

10. Celebrate Progress: Celebrate your physical achievements, no matter how small. Each step towards a healthier body is a step towards a more empowered self.

In short.

Remember, you are the custodian of your mind and body, and their well-being is your responsibility. By nurturing your physical self, you empower your mind to soar to greater heights, and in doing so, you embrace a fuller, more vibrant life. Your body is your loyal companion on this journey, so treat it with the love, care, and respect it deserves. In this harmonious union of mind and body, you’ll find the strength to navigate life’s challenges and the courage to chase your dreams with vitality and vigor.

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

Breaking free from the ego’s chains of comparison to embrace your unique Self. Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:09:47 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Breaking free from the ego’s chains of comparison to embrace your unique Self.

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We all agree that beauty standards are constantly changing and often unattainable. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison that ends up with us saying of ourselves, “I’m too much of this or not enough of that, I would like to look more like this, etc.”

I sometimes engage in self-talk that mirrors these detrimental thought patterns, and I’ve realized that it doesn’t serve me well, either. 

Let’s consciously sidestep these limiting beliefs and misconceptions we hold about ourselves. Instead of dwelling on perceived flaws, let’s take a moment to embrace and celebrate the exceptional beauty within each of us. It’s a journey toward self-acceptance and self-love that can profoundly transform our lives.

I know objectively that our uniqueness and the radiance of our inner light make us truly beautiful. And when I don’t let myself be influenced by society’s diktats and connect with myself, I experience this statement. So, fitting into a mold or meeting an agreed-upon standard doesn’t make us indisputably beautiful!

Therefore, the solution to perceiving our beauty is to accept, love, and value our individuality and uniqueness, to learn to look in the mirror and see ourselves beyond societal norms. 

We must learn to cherish the myriad stories, struggles, and strength that our body and face reflect—each a testament to our life experiences that have shaped us into uniquely remarkable individuals.

These lines etched upon our skin, the creases that form with each smile, and the scars that narrate battles we fought and won are not blemishes but rather eloquent images of the chapters of our existence.

Every curve and relief of our entire body bears witness to our joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, and talk about the singularity of our journey and the richness of our lives.

It’s futile to attempt to conform to conventional beauty standards. Our life experiences are etched into our very being, shaping our bodies and leaving their marks on our faces. Resisting these unique imprints would be a disavowal of our true selves. What could be more detrimental to our self-esteem than such self-denial?

In this article, I motivate us to accept our uniqueness and marks of distinction, embrace them with all our being, and explore how to do that, for they are the indelible imprints of our extraordinary journey through the kaleidoscope of existence. They are the light that emphasizes our beauty.

Unmasking the ego’s traps.

The role of our ego is to maintain our identity, built around who we think we are. To do this, it feeds on our insecurities and fears, locking us in our doubts. 

Influenced by the diktats of our society and always finding ourselves less this or less that because we don’t meet its criteria of beauty, our ego tries to convince us that we must strive to resemble others to find ourselves beautiful.

In so doing, it draws us into a vicious circle of comparison and dependence on society’s changing beauty standards, those of magazine covers, or the well-regulated lives of social media influencers. It even goes so far as to convince us that our happiness depends on our ability to match these images.

But our worth is not dependent on likes, followers, or the admiration of those around us.

We cannot let our ego fool us. Instead, let’s move forward at the pace of our hearts, celebrating our unique and perfect essence. That’s how we can free ourselves from its suffocating grip and create a new space where self-love and self-acceptance reign supreme and our tendency to compare ourselves is a distant memory.

Nurturing your unique beauty: accepting what makes you, You.

Our journey toward welcoming our unique beauty begins with a simple yet profound shift in perspective. It’s about rewiring ourselves to our hearts to appreciate and nurture what makes us different. Here are some ways and tips to help you on this empowering journey.

1. Self-reflection and self-love.

Start by setting aside time for self-reflection. Look inward and acknowledge the qualities that make you unique. What are your strengths, your passions, your quirks? Reflect on these aspects and practice self-love by celebrating them. Write them down in a journal or repeat them as daily affirmations.

2. Break free from social comparisons.

Social media platforms often showcase curated and idealized versions of people’s lives. Remembering that what we see online is only part of the story is crucial. Limit your exposure to content that triggers comparison, and curate your feeds looking for positivity and authenticity. Unfollow accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards.

3. Embrace your flaws.

Our imperfections are what make us beautifully and perfectly imperfect. They tell our stories of resilience, experience, and growth. Instead of hiding them, celebrate them. Also, remember that what you perceive as a flaw may be considered a unique and endearing quality by someone else.

4. Cultivate self-compassion.

Be kind to yourself, especially in moments of self-doubt. Treat yourself with the same compassion you’d offer to a dear friend. Remember that nobody is perfect, and we all have insecurities. By practicing self-compassion, you’ll build a stronger foundation of self-esteem.

5. Surround yourself with positivity.

Establish a social circle of people who appreciate your uniqueness. Seek out communities that embrace diversity and individuality. Your social environment has a significant impact on your self-image.

6. Authenticity in style.

Express your unique beauty through your style. Don’t conform to trends that don’t resonate with you. Instead, curate a wardrobe that reflects your personality and comfort. When you feel good in your skin, your inner beauty shines.

7. Practice gratitude.

Every day, take a moment to express gratitude for your unique qualities. Gratitude reminds us of the presence of abundance in our lives and moves us from comparison to appreciation.

8. Seek inner growth.

Remember that true beauty extends beyond the physical. Invest in personal growth and self-improvement. Explore your passions, acquire new skills, and embark on adventures that feed your soul. The more you nurture your inner world, the more your outer beauty will radiate.

9. Celebrate others’ uniqueness.

As you embrace your unique beauty, extend the same celebration to others. Compliment and uplift those around you, recognizing and appreciating their distinct qualities. Creating a culture of appreciation and acceptance benefits everyone.

10. Patience and consistency.

Nurturing your unique beauty is an ongoing journey. Be patient with yourself and consistent in your efforts. Self-acceptance and self-love take time, but the results are profoundly rewarding.

In a world that often emphasizes conformity, celebrating our unique beauty is almost an act of rebellion.


In our quest to recognize our unique beauty, we embark on a profound journey transcending societal norms and self-imposed limitations. As we travel this path, we discover that the true essence of beauty lies not in appearance but in knowing how to be. It lies in the quirks that make us beings in our own right, the scars that tell of our resilience, and the dreams that drive us.

By cultivating our unique beauty, we inspire others and pave the way for them to embark on a path of transformation and fulfillment. We become the witness that self-love can be a battle against the dictates of our world that’s worth fighting. Embracing our uniqueness and individuality, we pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate world where everyone’s distinct beauty is celebrated.

So, let’s apply these tips and accept and embrace what characterizes us, and we will experience our beauty and realize how much it reflects our extraordinary personality.

From now on, our heart must be our guide and make our love for ourselves the anthem of our existence.

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

Understanding and overcoming low self-esteem: Building a positive self-image. Tue, 17 Oct 2023 10:11:46 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Understanding and overcoming low self-esteem: Building a positive self-image.

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Low self-esteem can be quite deceptive. It often lurks in the shadows of anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges. Surprisingly, it can even disguise itself behind behaviors and attitudes that appear confident on the surface. But beneath that facade, the reality might be quite different.

It’s essential to differentiate between self-esteem and self-confidence, even though they’re frequently used interchangeably. While they are closely connected, they aren’t the same. Here’s a way to see it: one can have low self-confidence from poor self-esteem. Conversely, it’s possible for someone to exude confidence yet lack a solid foundation of self-esteem.

What is Self-confidence?

Self-confidence is about recognizing our capabilities, talents, and the tools we possess to take action. It’s an acknowledgment of our strengths. Feeling confident in one aspect of life and unsure in another is possible. Confidence can also fluctuate, being intense one day and wavering the next.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the perception and vision of ourselves, the value we attribute to ourselves, and the level of love and respect we have for ourselves. It’s the image of ourselves, our self-confidence, and how we talk about ourselves.

How is self-esteem built?

Building self-esteem begins in early childhood and evolves according to the complex events in our lives. Some will strengthen it, and others will weaken it.

When a traumatic event leads to a sudden loss of self-esteem, it’s common to see this as the reactivation of a feeling rooted in childhood, for the foundations of self-esteem laid at the very beginning of our history.

Here are some of the factors that contribute to low self-esteem.

  • Strong submission to parental authority and demands or those of important and influential childhood figures (grandparents, teachers, coaches, etc.). 
  • Being exposed to recurrent criticism and reproaches, derogatory remarks, etc.
  • Receiving mockery, disdain, contempt, lack of consideration or attention, discrimination, and other social exclusions.
  • Going through abuse, harassment, and other emotional, physical, and sexual mistreatment.

In short, self-esteem is built on what we’ve heard about ourselves, what we’ve been told, or what has been done to us. Mainly, high or low self-esteem stems from how we’ve processed these pieces of information and the beliefs we’ve developed based on them.

The experiences that shape us sometimes lead to feelings like abandonment, rejection, injustice, betrayal, humiliation, etc. These emotions often remain hidden or unacknowledged in our consciousness. Regardless of our awareness of them, such events can result in the formation of self-limiting beliefs indicative of low self-esteem. Here are some examples:

  • I’m not beautiful.
  • I deserve what I get.
  • I’m not talented.
  • I’m not intelligent.
  • I always need to be corrected.
  • I’m clumsy.
  • Etc.

As we grow older, specific events and experiences will awaken these feelings, further validating our beliefs and lack of self-esteem.

Remember this: Building your self-esteem results from your life’s journey. It finds its foundations in your early years and evolves with your experiences and the people you meet along the way. Today, your self-esteem is this constructed idea of your worth, a subjective opinion of yourself.

What are the symptoms of low self-esteem?

Avoiding criticism.

Someone with low self-esteem is usually reactive or emotional to criticism and often displays aggression, disdain, arrogance, etc., in response to it unless they step aside and withdraw.

If this person can’t stand criticism, they’re no less critical of themselves. The little words slipped into her sentences give her away: – I’m stupid, – I’ve made another mistake – I can’t seem to do anything right – I look ugly in these jeans, etc. Words and thoughts often emanate from an unconscious place.

Without necessarily being criticized, a simple contradiction or an opinion different from the person’s own makes them believe (consciously or unconsciously) that they are being attacked. That is why this person tends to be defensive in relationships with others.

Being too permissive or too reactive.

Another sign of low self-esteem is the difficulty, or even inability, to say no for fear (conscious or otherwise) of displeasing others. Considering they are not up to the job or fearing they won’t be, these people avoid taking a stand by asserting their point of view or ideas unless they do so awkwardly and sometimes even aggressively.

Having conflicting relationships.

Difficulties meeting other people or even being in a relationship can reveal a lack of self-esteem. Indeed, how can we attract others if we present ourselves to them with the intimate conviction that we are not attractive, pleasant, exciting, or, more simply, worthy of being loved?

Emotional vulnerability.

The tendency to stress and anxiety can also reflect the insecurities of the person who lacks self-esteem. Such emotional reactions are deeply rooted in past experiences or traumas. Over time, these unresolved feelings can compound, further exacerbating the person’s emotional vulnerability.

Physical appearance.

The body also interprets low self-esteem in its behavior. A tense gait, a bent back, hunched shoulders, crossed arms and legs, covering oneself from head to toe without necessity, for example, or never exposing oneself without make-up, etc., are all signs of low self-esteem.

Appearing overly confident.

Contrary to what one might think of a person whose personality and self-confidence are strongly asserted, they may also borrow from a lack of self-esteem. This blanket is their camouflage.

How do we maintain low self-esteem?

All these symptoms of low self-esteem are triggered and sustained by thoughts (the little voice in your head) that maintain a recurring negative internal dialogue. These thoughts aim to affirm and support limiting beliefs acquired and sometimes reinforced by life experiences.

These beliefs, which are at the base of our personality and have become the pillars of our identity, lead us to adopt behaviors that justify them.

Here are a few examples of limiting beliefs that can result from a lack of self-esteem and the behaviors they can lead to:

  • Thinking of oneself is selfish (belief) – Tendency to live according to others, to forget oneself (behavior).
  • Putting yourself first is pretentious (belief) – Tendency to stand aside, take a back seat, and not take your place (behavior).
  • You get what you deserve (belief) – Tendency to self-flagellate, criticize, and be fatalistic in the face of adversity.

In a nutshell, here is a recap of how self-esteem is built and maintained.”

  1. Self-esteem is essentially built on the beliefs we have about ourselves.
  2. Most of these beliefs come from our childhood, environment, and how we were spoken.
  3. These beliefs are legitimized and reinforced by our coherent thoughts about ourselves.
  4. These thoughts are generated by the wounded part of our identity that suffered in the past (childhood).
  5. We act (unconsciously) according to our beliefs, even if they are limiting and sometimes turn against us; in short, we act and react to remain what we believe ourselves to be at all costs. 

How to regain self-esteem?

The first step towards improved self-esteem is recognizing the situations and moments when your self-esteem falters.

If you experience feelings of anxiety, stress, frustration, anger, or despair—symptoms of low self-esteem—pause and take a deep breath to distance yourself from these emotions.

Try to link your emotion to the underlying belief that triggered it. Identify the past event or narrative that might have caused this belief.

Instead of getting lost in the event’s details, focus on understanding the root cause of your diminished self-esteem. Aim to quiet the inner voice that reinforces this negative belief, reminding yourself that these thoughts do not define you. The past event they point to has already passed.

I understand that navigating through this can be quite a challenge. Remember, whenever you need to, contact a professional therapist or coach who can provide additional support and insights to make your journey smoother and more manageable.

How to maintain self-esteem?

Get into the habit of following a healthy process.

In the process mentioned above, recognizing negative emotions, thoughts, or responses as indicative of potential low self-esteem can assist in reducing the internal dialogue that perpetuates low self-esteem.

Use your internal voice for positive purposes.

Stop criticizing yourself and harboring toxic thoughts. Instead, value yourselves, recognize your qualities, note all the beautiful things that surround you, the positive things that happen to you, and be kind to yourselves and others. See that despite obstacles, there are many opportunities to learn and grow.

Take an interest in the values that are fundamental to you.

Ensure you respect these values important to you and share them with others with kindness and without fear. After all, allowing yourself to live according to your values allows you to be authentic and, consequently, to gain self-esteem. 

Recognize your qualities.

We all have a unique way of being and existing. It makes us unique, so let’s give your particularity the attention it deserves!

Take responsibility.

Finally, remember that we alone are responsible for building our self-esteem. It’s up to us to decide and implement the strategies that will enable us to achieve this. Looking outside ourselves for validation will only lead to potential frustration and disillusionment. The solution lies within us!


If our early relationship experiences shaped our self-esteem unexpectedly, or if recent events have challenged it, remembering that we have the capability and resilience to nurture and enhance it is empowering.

As adults, we are responsible for providing ourselves with the love, acceptance, appreciation, and consideration we lacked as children. The key is recognizing and accepting the root of our low self-esteem and understanding that we have the resources to (re)kindle and maintain it to serve our lives better.

I want to conclude with this magnificent phrase from French psychiatrist and psychotherapist Christophe André: “Accepting imperfection is proof that the taste for life has won out over the obsession with self-image…”

A sentence that underlines an essential point: we are perfectly imperfect beings, and that’s perfect in itself.

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

Boosting your self-confidence to unlock your true potential. Mon, 09 Oct 2023 08:54:46 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Boosting your self-confidence to unlock your true potential.

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Venturing into the uncharted territories of tomorrow and truly seizing life’s moments requires a solid dose of self-confidence. Think of it as having that inner assurance that you can rely on yourself. It’s all about tapping back into and (re)kindling those innate strengths and skills to keep pushing forward.

On the flip side, it’s clear that when our self-confidence wavers, it often ties back to not genuinely knowing or connecting with ourselves. In other words, it’s about self-awareness. And let’s be real: as we journey through life, changing and growing, our once-solid self-confidence needs a refresh now and then.

Here are my tips for developing and maintaining your self-confidence.

Dare and take risks.

Instead of getting caught up in those feelings of self-doubt, remember that they are fleeting. Unsure about the unfamiliar faces? They’re just as new to you as you are to them, so why not take the initiative and introduce yourself?

The trick is to push past those initial hesitations gently. Every time you step outside your comfort zone, even just a tad, you get more acquainted with new experiences and boost your self-confidence.

If diving right in feels daunting, take it slow. Mix up your daily habits bit by bit and meet the unknown at your own pace. Allow yourself to step out of your routine regularly and in small steps. If you’re used to having coffee in that bar, change the sidewalk and pick a new one. If you work out at this gym, do a session at another.

Going through this process, you’ll gradually learn to adapt more efficiently and gain self-confidence.

Use auto-suggestion.

Let’s talk about the power of positive self-talk.

When those pesky thoughts like “I can’t” or “That’s not for me” start to creep in, hit the pause button. Breathe. And then, flip the script. Replace those doubts with uplifting and affirmative thoughts.

How? By taking a step back and viewing the situation without the lens of past experiences. It’s about recognizing your innate abilities and understanding that they’re ever-evolving and limitless. Boost your self-confidence by reminding yourself: “I have the skills to…” and “I’m more than equipped to handle this…”.

Set goals and define milestones.

There’s nothing like setting goals to overcome your fears and gain self-confidence. But be careful, especially if your lack of self-confidence is linked to a fear of failure; don’t set yourself almost insurmountable goals! In other words, don’t set your sights too high, and be realistic.

In concrete terms, break down your goal into stages, identify the resources that will help you get through each one, and become aware of your ability to progress toward your goal. Once you’ve reached your objective, set a new one. In this way, you’ll gradually build up your self-confidence.

Turn your mistakes into opportunities.

Trials are inevitable, as are mistakes. So, remember this: before you could walk without falling, you took a few false steps. And it was by understanding that walking on uneven ground requires you to watch where you put your feet that you finally managed to stand up.

What’s important is that you learn from your mistakes and move forward. And when you realize that we’re all in the same boat and that those who succeed have also experienced failures, you’ll gain confidence in yourself.

Act following your values.

When you overlook your fundamental values, it can lead to self-doubt, which can shake your confidence, so staying true to your core values is the basis for self-confidence. When you stray from what genuinely matters to you, it can feel like a piece of you is missing. But when you align with those values, there’s this incredible sense of empowerment and a feeling that you’re on the right path.

Here’s a suggestion: Grab a notebook and jot down what’s truly important to you in different areas of your life, like family, relationships, friendships, work, society, and the environment. Reflect on whether your daily actions resonate with these values; if they don’t, consider what steps you can take to get back in alignment with what matters most to you.

Move your body, do sport.

I want to drive this point home: getting active and moving your body is a game-changer for mental and emotional well-being. And if you’re feeling a bit low on the self-confidence scale, exercise can be a real boost.

Here’s the thing: when you engage in physical activity, you’re not just getting fit. You’re fueling your brain with oxygen and releasing feel-good hormones like melatonin, dopamine, and serotonin. These are your body’s natural stress relievers and mood-lifters.

Plus, setting a fitness goal sends a powerful message to your subconscious: “I can do this.” Over time, this belief bubbles up in your mind, reinforcing the idea that you have what it takes. The result? A big boost in self-confidence.

Take care of your appearance.

It might sound superficial, but taking care of how you look and feel good in your skin can do wonders for your confidence. Every morning, give yourself a moment to prep and, most importantly, flash a smile at your reflection before stepping out of the bathroom. Carry that smile with you throughout the day, sharing it with coworkers, friends, family, and strangers.

And remember your posture! Stand tall, walk with purpose, and try to keep an open stance when you’re seated. It’s incredible how these little tweaks can influence your self-perception and, in turn, boost your self-confidence.


Above all, remember that perseverance and repetition are essential to any transformation. Gaining self-confidence doesn’t happen overnight. So multiply the opportunities to achieve it by putting a foot outside your comfort zone until it becomes a daily state of mind.

Final tip: Don’t compare yourself to others. It could bring you right back to where you started, i.e., your lack of self-confidence. There will always be someone “stronger” than you, and you’ll always do “better” than someone else. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you recognize your abilities for what they are and know you have the resources within you to improve them constantly.

Then, you will feel confident enough to act and move toward your dreams.

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

Embracing transformation: A guide to break free from your comfort zone. Sun, 01 Oct 2023 15:14:20 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Embracing transformation: A guide to break free from your comfort zone.

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As your coach, I’m here to walk with you on this journey of self-discovery and growth. I’m always thrilled when you guys get that not reacting to a noisy neighbor or staying away from foods you’re allergic to is just common sense. But did you know that resisting positive changes can be us getting in our way?

Resistance—it’s like this internal tug-of-war, usually our way of trying to protect ourselves. But sometimes, it ends up being this wall, keeping us stuck in our “comfort zones,” which can mess with our peace of mind. Sound relatable?

How about we explore a series of questions together? Let’s start thinking about embracing some changes and seeing this as your opportunity to be the best you can be!

Remember, change is a step-by-step journey. It’s all about moving at a pace that feels right for you, being realistic with your goals, and being open to adapting. Embarking on this journey of change can be incredibly rewarding!

So, why do you resist transformation?

To preserve our identity.

Consider your professional life as an example. Are you sacrificing your happiness and personal life to maintain a status or role you feel obligated to uphold?

We resist staying true to our “identity,” the image we project, and how the world perceives us. Altering the foundations of our identity can be daunting (and scary!) as it makes us confront the unknown aspects of ourselves.

Can you ponder over what changes could bring you peace and fulfillment?

For the fear of exclusion.

Embracing change can alter our interactions, possibly leading to resistance or rejection from our social circles. We fear losing our sense of belonging and the fulfillment of our fundamental needs like love, significance, recognition, and communication.

Have you ever suppressed your desires to conform to societal or familial expectations? 

In my early years, for example, I ate the meat I was fed at school simply because being a vegetarian was odd to my peers and would bring too much attention to me.  

Can you reflect on the changes that can align your life with your true aspirations without the fear of exclusion?

Facing the unknown.

Change means stepping into the unknown and leaving behind the familiar. This fear of the unknown is deeply ingrained in us and is often likened to the fear of death.

Have you ever hesitated to pursue a dream due to fear of leaving your comfort zone? 

It’s essential to embrace the unknown and see it as a gateway to new possibilities. What was once unfamiliar is not so terrifying once you have done it once or twice.

Avoidance of failure.

In our success-driven society, the fear of failure is paramount. However, with its inherent risks, change is a pathway to learning and self-realization. 

Are you holding back a project or a dream for fear of failure? 

My way around failure has always been to look at it as significant “feedback” on what is needed to improve and as an opportunity to try differently the next time. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination; every experience is a stepping stone to self-growth. 

Navigating through change.

Internal desire for change.

Genuine transformation must be self-driven, stemming from a profound realization of your need for growth. This internal desire is essential for confronting and overcoming your limiting beliefs and fears.

Have you ever spent time observing your limiting beliefs? 

It’s vital to introspect and identify the changes that can liberate you from such constraints. Write down the limiting beliefs stopping you from embracing a shift in a notebook.

Example: “I don’t have time to learn a new language”. Will this belief help you reach your goal of speaking a different language?

Conscious awareness.

Change requires conscious awareness and presence. It’s about directing our perceptions towards what truly matters and making informed decisions.

Have you ever clung to beliefs that hindered your growth? 

It’s time to redefine your values and rebuild your identity closer to your true self. Once you have identified many of your limiting beliefs, create a turnaround to each belief, enabling you to perceive life from a different and more empowering angle.

“It’s easy to learn a new language by dedicating only 5-10 minutes daily.” 

Doesn’t this new belief feel more empowering and closer to realizing your goal?

Meeting our true selves.

Embracing change is not about abandoning your familiar self but about 

Have you ever felt unfulfilled and reached out for anything, maybe a hobby, a person, or a place, to fill that void?

It’s a typical response, looking for external solutions to internal discontent.

But here’s the thing: true fulfillment? It’s an inside job. It’s about diving deep within ourselves, exploring our thoughts, feelings, and desires, and embracing all parts of who we are. It’s about understanding our needs, addressing our lack, and nurturing our souls.

When we start this inner journey, we find contentment and peace that external distractions can never provide. It’s a process, sometimes challenging but oh so rewarding, leading us to a life of authenticity and meaning. So, are you ready to embark on this journey to discover the treasures within you? 

Take the time you need to know what you want.

Have you ever, on a whim, thrown yourself into a passion, putting all your energy and time into it, only to realize later that what you’re truly meant to do is something entirely different? 

It happens and is part of the journey of self-discovery and creating change.

It’s so important to allow ourselves to explore, try new things, make mistakes, and learn. Through this exploration, we often stumble upon our true passions and make changes toward the things that light us up and give our lives meaning and purpose.

Sometimes, what we initially think is our desire is just a stepping stone to discovering what we are genuinely passionate about. Giving ourselves the freedom to wander, learn, grow, and change our minds is essential. In these moments of exploration and reflection, we often find our true path.

Remember, it’s always a good use of time to pursue something you’re passionate about, even if it isn’t your lifelong calling. Every experience teaches us something valuable about ourselves and brings us one step closer to finding what truly resonates with our souls.

So, embrace the journey, explore different paths, and be open to the possibilities. You never know where your true passion might be hiding!


Life is a constant flux, a series of transformations, and resisting it can only lead to stagnation. Embracing change is about finding the strength to navigate life’s uncertainties.

Remember, every new experience is a learning opportunity, every fear overcome is a step towards self-discovery, and every change embraced is a chance to present the world with the best version of oneself.

I encourage you to reflect, dare, embrace the transformations necessary for your fulfillment, and gift the world and yourself with your most authentic and beautiful version.

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.

Overcome your fears to reach your goals and realize your dreams. Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:59:24 +0000
man explaining to woman in a therapy session

Overcome your fears to reach your goals and realize your dreams.

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We’ve all felt the chill of fear; it’s a universal companion, a part of our shared human journey. It’s been our protector, our guardian through the ages, keeping our ancestors safe from the unseen and unknown.

But let’s be real—sometimes, fear isn’t our friend. It can be the chains that bind us, a shadow that stifles our spirit and blocks our way forward.

I’m not here to talk about the fear that lights a fire within us but about the fear that dims our light.

More importantly, I want to share thoughts on breaking free from this shadow and stepping into your light.

By doing so, you’ll not only liberate yourself from a draining emotion but also empower yourself to stride boldly toward your dreams.

So, let’s navigate this journey together, explore how to face our fears, and embrace the freedom that comes with courage. Let’s discover the beauty in bravery, hand in hand.

Identify your fears so you can dissociate from them.

Dissociation consists, by definition, of separating oneself from something with which one is associated. So, it makes sense that separating yourself from your fears will lead you to get rid of them.

So, to achieve this, it is first essential to identify those preventing you from moving forward; it may be easy for some of them, but for others, it may escape your vigilance. You may be aware of being afraid of failure or the unknown, but some of your fears may seem elusive and irrational.

Once you become aware of your fears and identify them, you can step back and consider them from a more objective point of view. By getting into the habit of observing them, you will gradually detach yourself from the overwhelming emotions associated with them.

Then, you will begin to understand your fears better, see where they come from, identify the specific thoughts that trigger or even amplify them, and the emotions they cause. It will have the effect of strengthening your emotional intelligence and allowing you to manage, more and more systematically, your feelings and your reactions in fearful situations when they arise.

This dissociation gives you the power to control your fears rather than being controlled by them. It allows you to take a step back and rationally view the situation. It will enable you to move beyond your fears.

Persevere to anchor.

Overcoming fears isn’t a mere decision; it’s a journey requiring consistent effort, willpower, and resilience. It’s not about a one-time act of courage but the relentless pursuit of embracing and overcoming those fears. Each encounter with fear is an opportunity to step forward, and every effort needs to be repeated, reinforcing our strength. True transformation occurs through this continuous cycle of facing and overcoming fear.

Imagine speaking up is, for you, a challenge, and you’ve managed to do it at a business meeting, overcoming the initial barrier of your fear. It feels like an accomplishment, but the journey doesn’t end here. And the upcoming weekly seminar will be another opportunity to face that fear again. Doing so will increase your familiarity with the situation, reducing the unknown elements that amplify fear. The more familiar a situation becomes, the less intimidating it appears.

In this case, you build your confidence whenever you speak up. Each successful attempt reinforces your belief in your ability to speak in public settings, gradually reducing the fear associated with it.

Each successful attempt at overcoming a fear provides positive reinforcement, encouraging us to continue facing it. Step by step, the positive experiences will outweigh the negative ones, altering our perception of the subject of our fear and freeing us from it.

Embrace self-compassion.

Recognize that the journey to liberate yourself from your fears is challenging. Despite your resolve, there might be energy-draining moments, and you might feel overpowering. You might be tempted to surrender to your ego, the keeper of your identity. Be compassionate with yourself. And notice that there is an antidote to that.

Stay focused on your goal.

What’s the remedy? Keep your dream goal vividly in your sight. Visualize it whenever the journey feels overwhelming, and instead of distancing it like your fears, pull it closer. If we keep on track with our example, imagine yourself confidently speaking on stage, captivating hundreds with your words, feeling at ease, persuasive, and self-assured. Let this image resonate within you until it positively impacts your mind and body, becoming a part of you. Doesn’t speaking fearlessly in front of an audience feel liberating?

Celebrate your progress.

Lastly, give yourself a pat on the back. Positive reinforcement is a big part of successfully overcoming your fears. Consider the toll that criticism, whether from others or the voice inside your head, takes on your mind and body. Conversely, compliments and self-praise have a rejuvenating, positive effect. So, whenever you achieve a small victory and feel your fear diminishing, don’t hesitate to celebrate your progress and reward yourself!

Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in overcoming your fears. Keep visualizing your success, stay compassionate with yourself, and remember to celebrate every milestone you reach!


Remember, we all have our fears and dreams, and it’s never too late to start the journey to overcome one and embrace the other. 

For you, it might be about something other than the fear of standing in the spotlight and speaking to a crowd. Your fear could be something completely different. But no matter what, give yourself the grace to walk the path that brings your dreams and goals within reach—the ones that seem so distant because of the lurking fears.

One more thing: stay alert and tuned in to that little whisper inside you! It might be quietly bringing up old memories and experiences that planted those seeds of fear in you, often without you even realizing it. So, keep your eyes on what you want, and don’t let the shadows of yesterday dim the possibility of making things happen today.

If you feel scared again—and it would happen, but most likely less and less—remember, feelings come and go. Before you felt fear, you felt something else; after, you’ll feel something different again. Think about the good feelings that will come to get past the fear that tries to trick you.

I hope you have a nice walk on the path to making your dreams, the ones that seemed impossible, come true!

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© Copyright @ 2021 by SOPHIE PARIENTI. All rights reserved.
